- 1. Culture in the Subject Field and Culture of the Subject Field of the Scientifi c Journal (on the 30th Anniversary of the Journal “Scientifi c Thought of the Caucasus”)
- № 4 (2024)
- 2. Cicero on the Legal and Moral Aspects of War and Peace
- № 4 (2022)
- 3. Conflict and the Ways of it Resolution in the Ancient Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, and Cicero
- № 4 (2021)
- 4. Public Power and the Local Community: Opportunities of Philosophy Approach in Confl ict Management
- № 2 (2021)
- 5. Axiological Aspect of International Conflicts: Dialectics of ‘Soft Power’ and ‘Hard Power’
- № 4 (2020)
- 6. Actualization of the Myth about Erisichton in Various Social and Сultural Сontexts: Callimachus, Ovid, Zhdanov
- № 1 (2020)
- 7. Role of Y.A. Zhdanov in Formation of Interdisciplinary Approach and Development of Scientific and Publishing Business: to the 25th Anniversary of the Journal Scientific Thought of the Caucasus
- № 4 (2019)
- 8. Policy in a Mirror of Political Philosophy: Ancient Experience and Modern Ideas
- № 2 (2018)
- 9. The Role of Philosophy and Historical-Philosophical Knowledge in Solving Cognitive Problems
- № 4 (2016)
- 10. On the Sources of Classical European Humanism: Ancient Roman Philosophy, Byzantine Humanism, and Renaissance
- № 3 (2016)
- 11. About the History of the Mass Typed Publishing Houses: The Publishing Corporation “Ogonek” (1926–1931)
- № 3 (2015)
- 12. The Modern Education in a “Melting Pot” of Globalization
- № 2 (2015)
- 13. The Origins of the Enlightenment: from Ancient Rome to Europe of the 18th Century
- № 4 (2014)
- 14. Intercultural Communications during a Globalization Epoch: Tolerance or Struggle for Cultural Identity
- № 3 (2011)
- 15. Cicero about the Relationship between Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman Cultures: from the Ancient Ideas toward the Modern Culturological Methodology
- № 3 (2010)
- 16. Natural Science, Humanities and Philosophy: Yu. Zhdanov about Aspects of their Interaction
- № 3 (2009)
- 17. The Civic Spirit and the Ideal Citizen in the Theory of Cicero
- № 1 (2009)
- 18. The Role of the Anthropological Problems in the Roman Philosophy
- № 2 (2006)
- 19. The actuality of Lucretius's anthropological ideas
- № 2 (2005)
- 20. Cicero's "De officiis" in its Relation to the Modern Ideas of the Civil Society and the Legal State
- № 3 (2004)
- 21. The modern view on Lucretius' theory of progress
- № 2 (2003)