
Features of Collectivization in the Ethnic Environment of the Don, Kuban and Stavropol (Late of the 1920s – 1930s): Some Aspects

(Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University)

The discussion of the working issue by the factions of the main political parties during the meetings of the 3rd and 4th State Dumas of the Russian Empire is considered. Special attention is paid to the dichotomy of views of various political forces on insurance legislation, requirements for an 8-hour working day, regulation of relations between workers and entrepreneurs, and labor legislation in general. Special attention is paid to the diff erence between the activities of the 4th State Duma, in which the initiative passes from parliamentary factions to specialized commissions of government bodies, and the initiative of political parties is
expressed, first of all, in requests to the authorities. The article examines the role of a specialized specialized commission on a work issue. It is noted that, despite the stated urgency of resolving the issue raised and the unanimous recognition of the need for a speedy solution, there was no common opinion in any Duma, even on fundamental provisions.
working question, 3rd State Duma, 4th State Duma, political parties, government and society, parliamentary factions, parliamentarism

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